I'm going to start off by asking one simple question. Are you glitter addicted? (Such as myself?) Well if you are then this DIY Glitter Slime is just the slime for you. Slime Slime Slime, its everywhere!! Kits and supplies, and on social media. You can just never ever have to much slime!! Glitter slime is soooooo easy to make and will only be messy if you chose it to be. 😊 This recipe is 20% Slime and 80% Glitter!! (Just kidding guys, it would be glitter soup if I did that.) Anyway, Lets make some GLITTER SLIME!!
First things first, just with any basic slime you'll need a Pva based glue. My favorite glue to use is elmers. And for this particular slime recipe I'm using clear. Add as much as you'd like into a disposable container. (It doesn't have to be disposable, its just really hard to clean one that isn't.) Mix a spoonful or two of water in with the glue. (Depending on how much glue. If you used more add two and vise versa.)
Next you add either your borax and water, your backing soda and eye contact solution, or your liquid starch. In this case I used Liquid Starch because that's the only one I have at the moment. But whatever it is add it at this time until its mildly stick but not soupy or super sticky if that makes sense. 😂
Finally, once your slime feels like slime, but a little bit stickier, start adding your glitter in minimal amounts. You can add little amounts at a time, which is what I did, or you can go all out and dump the whole dang thing on the slime and go to town. Either way, its up to you.
SO this was my final DIY Glitter Slime product. I started out adding small amounts so it could still look clear. But I eventually gave up on the and started adding heavier amounts. Guys I have a serious problem, Does someone know the hotline for Glitter Addicts by any chance??
First things first, just with any basic slime you'll need a Pva based glue. My favorite glue to use is elmers. And for this particular slime recipe I'm using clear. Add as much as you'd like into a disposable container. (It doesn't have to be disposable, its just really hard to clean one that isn't.) Mix a spoonful or two of water in with the glue. (Depending on how much glue. If you used more add two and vise versa.)
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