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 5 Things You Should Have On Your Craft Table

I always have things on my Craft Table. Whether it be craft supplies, materials, etc. But these items are a must have. They are extremely helpful to have sitting upon my craft table. At my use anytime I need them. So no worries, they'll be right in your reach when you want to use them.

1.   One thing I always like to have on my craft table is my lamp. I absolutely hate it when it starts to get late and I'm still finishing up one of my crafts in the dark. The lamp can offer me that little bit of light that I needed so I am able to finish up my craft.

2.  While I am crafting sometimes I can get a little stressed out over what I'm doing. If my crafts not going exactly the way I want it to go. I love my little Scented Wax Warmer from Better Homes. It melts down these small squares of scented wax cubes to make your room smell so good. It also helps me be relaxed when I'm crafting since the smell makes me feel comforted and at ease.

3.   I love mason jars. That's a fact. I always like to have a mason jar filled with pencils, pens, etc. Not only is it an easy way to store your pencils, and pens, but its also looks super cute. You can customize the mason jar as you like or you can just have it plain and simple. That's the fun thing about mason jars, you can make it one of your next d.i.y.

4.   Another thing I really recommend having on your craft table is a journal. I always like to have an idea journal handy in case a great idea pops into my head I can jot it down real quick so I wont end up forgetting. Honestly I have a ton of journals with my craft and d.i.y ideas in it. So a journal I do really recommend having.

5.   This one is a big obvious one for me. Chocolate! I absolutely love chocolate, and I know I'm not the only one out there who does. I can be working on a craft then feel so uninspired. After I eat a piece of chocolate it like my spirits are lifted and I want to do a million things all at once. Chocolate is life's medicine for me basically. Well that and coffee. So yeah, chocolate is a must have for me.  


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