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DIY Faux Christmas Cookies

Well Christmas is on its way! Around Christmas time my family and I always make Christmas cookies, the thing is when I want to have them in my room as a part of the holiday look for the season ants like to come and nibble off the cookies. plus they don't last forever. Especially around a girl who loves junk food. So these faux Christmas cookies will do just the trick for completing any room for a classic Christmas look.
  Step one to making your Faux Christmas cookies is to make the fake dough for the cookies. The dough is not toxic so if you accidentally get some in your mouth by accident there will be no harm. It just might not taste all that good. Start by mixing 1 tablespoon cornstarch.

    With an additional 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Now make sure its baking soda and not powder or else its not going to turn out the same at all if you use that instead.
    Then 1 tablespoon water and mix all of them together till you get a creamy consistency. You don't want to see any clumps of any sort of all your dough will become very lumpy and crumble before its done.
    Next microwave it for 30 seconds. No more than that or else it will become very dry and will not rehydrate very well. After it has been microwaved you can see many air bubbles in the dough along with the fact it looks very fluffy like.
    After it comes out of the microwave stir until it is cool to touch, then start to knead to. Squish it and squeeze it in your hands until it has about the same consistency of play dough. If you feel like your doughs a bit to stiff and crumbly, add water to the tips of your fingers then continue kneading like before. Lay it down on a flat topped surface roll it out so it about the same size as the cookie cutter your going to use, then press the cookie cutter into the dough.
   Take off any extra dough that may be around the Christmas cookie. put that aside for later. Smooth the edges with the tip of your finger, and for this I do recommend dipping your finger in water than smoothing the edges.
   After you've smoothed your Christmas cookie take chalk pastels and choose colors that are in different shades of browns. You want the colors to look like your Christmas cookie has been baked and is starting to go a golden baked brown. I applied the pastel with an old makeup brush just because the other pastel brushes I use leave marks and lines when I apply the pastel, and I don't have this problem with the makeup brush.
  So going back to that leftover piece of dough that was around your Christmas cookie, roll that into a ball and flatten it out. This is going to be another cookie. Just a rounded circle cookie. So for the circle it doesn't need to be perfect because cookie shapes aren't perfect.
   Then repeat the same coloring pattern as your first Christmas cookie. Remember: Darker around the edges because those are the parts that get a bit more done.
    Allow those to dry and that's your basic Christmas cookie. If you want to "spice them up" a little bit this is what you'll need to do. Get a disposable plastic cup and mix together Puffy paint, (any color of your choice) Dimensional magic, and hand sanitizer. (any scent of your choosing) I know the hand sanitizer part sounds really wired but its not. I just added one drop to make the frosting smell a bit better. Its optional if you want to add a scent, although you do not have to.
   Next I took some micro beads and simply sprinkled them on top of my cookie. Now these are optional. If you want sprinkles than I think these look real good as them. But if you don't than just don't add them. This is how that cookie turned out.
  Or you can totally change up your shapes and colors. I made a star Christmas cookie with light yellow frosting and a powdered sugar sprinkle. If you want your cookie to look like it has powdered sugar on the top just sprinkle a bit of cornstarch on the top while the paint still wet. And this is what that one looks like. Now your all done making your Faux Christmas Cookies!



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